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  • Belfast Between The Wars


Belfast Telegraph, Saturday 30th October 1937


“Gallaher’s is becoming quite famous for its athletic activities,” said Mr. A. Lindsay, who presided at the annual dinner of Gallagher’s Cricket Club, in the Midland Hotel, Belfast, last evening.

They had, he went on, clubs for all manner of sports, such as football, squash, gymnastics, physical culture, golf and cricket. Mr. Lindsay facetiously observed that he did not know whether a male voice choir came into the category of a sporting club.

The Chairman, who was proposing the toast of the club, spoke in appreciative terms of the services rendered by the club secretary, Mr. J. A. Kennedy. Reviewing the activities of the club, he said one of its greatest difficulties had been the securing of a proper playing ground, but in the past season that difficulty had been overcome. The club definitely promised to go on from strength to strength. (Applause.)

Mr C. J. Saunders, the outgoing captain, responded. They had, he remarked, enjoyed a very successful season, but there was no reason why Gallaher’s should not turn out three XI’s. The powers that be who engaged the staff, might cast a kindly eye on those who play cricket and not tiddlywinks. (Laughter.)

Mr. J. A. Kennedy, in the course of a racy speech, proposed the toast of the guests. It was, he said, very pleasant to see so many of their presidents and vice-presidents with them (Applause.)

Replying, Lord Ampthill spoke of the keen interest they all took in the affairs of the club. It was, he declared, on of the best run and most successful clubs that Gallaher’s had got, and the committee, as a whole deserved great credit for the manner in which the club was being run. (Applause.)

The chairman was thanked on the motion of Mr. Kennedy.

Among the guests present were Lord and Lady Ampthill, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marsh, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Driscoll.

The club dance was held subsequently in the Plaza, Mr. Kennedy carrying out the duties of M.C.


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