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  • Belfast Between The Wars


Belfast News-Letter, Saturday 8th June 1935

The Lord Mayor of Belfast (Sir Crawford McCullagh) attended the Classic Cinema last night when Miss Eleanor Haslett, of 82, Princetown Road, Bangor, was chosen to represent the Province in the “Miss Great Britain, 1935,” beauty contest.

Sir Crawford, who introduced the winner and congratulated her upon her success, said: “I can only express the hope that you will maintain the reputation that the prettiest girls in the kingdom are found in Belfast.”

Miss Haslett was chosen by the popular vote of patrons of the cinema from 33 contestants, of whom four survived the preliminary judgings: Miss Barbara Stagg, 43, Grenville Gardens, Belfast; Miss Emily Dewes, 22, Virginia Street; Miss Kay Kavanagh, 36, Gamble Street; Miss Eleanor Haslett, 82, Princetown Road, Bangor.

The Winner, who had also been voted “Ulster’s Aquatic Queen” for 1934, was born in Belfast and is employed as saleswoman in Messrs. Normans. With light brown hair, and blue eyes, athletic figure and stately carriage, she is a fitting representative of Ulster’s womanhood, and the decision of the voting was received with enthusiastic applause.

From the hands of the Lord Mayor she received her ticket to London, where “Miss Great Britain” will be selected from fifteen winners of divisional contests. She is, besides, eligible to spend a week at Torquay as the guest of the Torquay Hotel Association, and numerous substantial prizes presented locally are also hers.

Mr. J. C. Macdermot, manager of the Classic, thanked the Lord Mayor for his attendance and wished Miss Haslett a safe crossing and success in the final contest.


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