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  • Belfast Between The Wars


Belfast News-Letter , Thursday 9th September 1937

Whether the day be the most sultry sample of summer or the most bitingly cold of winter, it will be grateful and comforting indeed to the body and mind of any woman to repair for a little to the new Beauty Salon which has just been established in that well-known store, the Bank Buildings, Belfast. This firm realises that no modern store is complete without a Beauty Salon. It is a necessity which the age demands. So in their ladies’ hairdressing department a new salon, on the very latest lines, has been fitted up. To celebrate the occasion, it will be presided over for the coming fortnight by Miss Olive Gowans, who has come straight from Bond Street for this purpose. What beauty secret Miss Gowans does not know is not worth knowing. She is quite willing to divulge any specially suited to any individual consulting her.

Yardley’s preparations, which Miss Gowans uses, are becoming more and more popular. Moderately priced for the quality of the ingredients, there are preparations to suit every type. They include a skin food which has an utmost miraculous effect upon the most difficult skin. Powder blended to suit the individual will be appreciated by the fastidious woman. This powder is made to a formula which is kept so that the exact shade can be repeated any time.

A new powder has also just been put on the market which is moderately priced, and which will appeal to large numbers of women.

Miss Gowans is a firm believer in making a special study of the type of which client and giving skin food and make-up particularly suited to it. Her experience in Bond Street has made her an expert in these points. Yesterday afternoon she gave a number of treatments, and each client was delighted with the result. Those wishing to consult her would be well advised to make an appointment at once for her services promise much to be in demand.

Yardley’s perfumes are famous and a new one – Bond Street – has just been added to the number. Its fragrance is delightfully subtle, yet it is moderately priced. It is sure to be popular.

The Salon, which is in white and green, is spacious and charming, and a woman emerges from a treatment feeling rested and refreshed.


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