Belfast Telegraph, Friday 31st October 1924
It is of much importance to the general public to know that, in consequence of recent Ulster legislation, chemists and druggists in the Six Counties are prohibited from selling that high-class Food and Tonic Wine "Sedna". The proprietors, DEANS, LOGAN & CO., LTD., have accordingly (to meet the requirements and convenience of their large clientele desiring to obtain this highly-recommended nourishing and appetising beverage) made arrangement with the leading wine merchants and best-known licensed establishments in Northern Ireland to specially stock "SEDNA" in two sizes of bottles - large 5s, small 2s 9d each. In case of difficulty in remote districts those desiring should communicate at once with DEANS, LOGAN, & Co., LTD., Belfast, or 'phone: Belfast 2812. "SEDNA" has a world-wide reputation, and holds numerous testimonials from medical specialists, copies of which may be obtained on inquiry by post to 16-20 Commercial Court, Belfast.