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  • Belfast Between The Wars


Northern Whig, Monday 22nd November 1926

The large block of buildings in Chichester Street at the corner of Montgomery Street are at present being completely remodelled with the object of transforming this place into a new dance hall, which is to be known as The Plaza. It is promised that when the scheme is completed Belfast will have the finest hall of its kind in Great Britain. A company, the Belfast Plaza, Ltd., has been floated, and is spending thousands of pounds to practically rebuild this place. At present carpenters, joiners, electricians, decorators, painters, &c., are all busy, and already one can get a fair idea of the magnitude of the transformation which is taking place.

The main entrance will be from Chichester Street, the ladies’ and gentlemen’s dressing and waiting rooms being directly off the hall, from which there is a wide staircase leading to the ballroom. This room will be capable of accommodating 1,200 dancers. The floor is to be of a special sprung design, surrounded by a promenade on which refreshments will be served. The decorative and lighting effects will be new to Belfast. Concealed light will be reflected across the floor from the sides. The pillars supporting the balcony are being treated as pagodas, with three dozen coloured lights on each, while the main lighting will be supplied from huge shades on the ceiling, in which there will be a combination of eleven different colours which can be operated instantly by the touch of a button.

On the walls there will also be a new lighting scheme, with recess panels lit from behind with frets in front.

The whole place will be fireproof. In the centre of the floor will be an electric fountain playing, the lights on the sides and base changing automatically in the six different shades.

It is intended to have The Plaza open on afternoons and evenings and to supply teas and suppers, a supper room being provided over the bandstand to seat special supper parties of from half a dozen to close on a hundred. This is quite apart from the ordinary refreshment accommodation.

The orchestra is being brought from across the Channel, consisting of ballroom music specialists, and the manageress of the whole concern will be Miss MacLachlan, who has had a number of years’ experience with the Glasgow Plaza Dance Hall Company in its different services.

The Plaza will be run on most high-class lines, and the dancers of Belfast will no doubt await with keenness its opening, which is to take place in the middle of next month.


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